Monday, July 26, 2010

How to obtain the state of flip

Series 60 C + + development partners can now write some application software, used to respond to the user to open or close the phone cover, mobile camera or change direction. The above two kinds of user actions are likely to appear in the Nokia N90 multimedia terminal. Event of such software from Series 60 2nd Edition Feature Pack 2 has been supported later on. For example, when users close the terminal when the developers make their output automatically transferred to the external color display, and when the user opens the terminal, the output in turn automatically transferred to the internal display (usually the internal display larger).

For an application to add these features, simply in CEikAppUi:: HandleKeyEventL () to add some event handlers. Corresponding event (TEventCode) is EEventScreenDeviceChanged, EEventCaseOpened, and EEventCaseClosed. When the camera rotates, it is EEventKeyUp and EEventKeyDown types of key events.

The following sample code is used to detect the current camera position:

# Include / / link against ecam.lib
CCamera * cam = CCamera:: NewL (* this, 0);
TCameraInfo info;
cam-> CameraInfo (info);
TCameraOrientation orientation = info.iOrientation;

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